Friday 1 May 2009

>>> Happy Birthday ... <<<

to moi! Yup! It's May Day here but unfortunately the UK don't believe in having public holidays on other days except Monday so it's a normal working day. Well, at least it's a long weekend since Monday is a Bank Holiday! As it's a normal working day, not gonna do any celebrating. However, I've arranged for a BBQ on Sat afternoon. Weather's gonna be sunny (fingers crossed) and I'm looking forward to grilled prawns and vege kebab! Mmmmm.

Hubs got me this:

I spent some time checking it out and I'm in luv with it! The best part is the yoga as I used to do it before and I luv doing it on the Wii board. It actually shows you your centre of gravity while you are doing the exercises and ensure perfect posture. Fabulous! I can certainly see myself working out as there's tons of exercises as well as games that you can do. Presently, I'm rubbish and my age is wayyy over what I'm! Embarrassing! I much prefer to exercise in the comfort of my own home as opposed to a gym!

Off to create some stuff and hopefully to sleep early as I've got a full day tomorrow! Loads of baking to do and preparation for the bbq. TTFN!

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